2nd Day Truck strike: Protests and fuel shortage from nationwide transport strike

The second day of the nationwide transport strike saw widespread protests across several states in India, disrupting daily life and leading to fuel shortages. The strike, initiated by truck, bus and tanker drivers, is in response to stringent jail and fine rules introduced under the recently launched Indian Penal Code (BNS), specifically addressing hit-and-run cases. doing.

Understanding Truck Strike: A Closer Look at the Indian Judicial Code

One of the major reasons behind the strike is the provision in the Indian Judicial Code (BNS) related to hit-and-run cases. Earlier, such cases were dealt with under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), resulting in a maximum sentence of two years for the accused. However, the new law takes a more stringent approach, proposing to impose a prison sentence of up to 10 years or a hefty fine of Rs 7 lakh ($8400) for drivers who cause serious road accidents due to reckless driving, the latter Run away without reporting the police. or any administrative authority.

Truck drivers protest against the law

Transporters spread across various sectors strongly oppose the BNS, especially its provisions related to hit-and-run cases. The central point of contention is the perceived severity of the punishment and the lack of consultation with stakeholders before passing the law.

Appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Expressing their concern, truck drivers have submitted a petition to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to withdraw the stringent sections of BNS. The primary fear among most transporters is that if the law is implemented without addressing their apprehensions, the supply chain may be disrupted.

Lack of consultation and stakeholder involvement

A major argument given by transporters is the alleged lack of consultation before passing the law. Many in the industry believe that this law has been made without considering the concerns of truckers who are directly affected. According to transporters, the lack of dialogue with stakeholders has resulted in a law that may have unintended consequences.

Concerns about investigation process

While the punishment itself is a source of trouble for truck drivers, the investigation process in alleged hit-and-run cases adds another layer to their worries. Transporters argue that the law can be used to exploit them, by imposing unjust charges, even if accidents are not their fault. This fear of possible misuse of the law increases their resistance to its implementation.

Potential disruption in supply chain

A major concern among transporters is the potential disruption in the supply chain if BNS is strictly implemented. They argue that punitive measures without adequate safeguards and fair investigation process may lead to unnecessary legal battles and adversely affect the smooth functioning of transport services.

Truck strike: current situation

impact on fuel supply

As the strike entered its second day, queues of vehicles formed outside petrol pumps in cities across the country, raising concerns of fuel supply disruptions. In Maharashtra, the state government has sought police assistance to ensure uninterrupted supply of petrol and diesel. The impact of the strike was also felt in Himachal Pradesh, where long queues formed at petrol pumps in Shimla and Dharamshala.

petrol pumps dried up

Due to the ongoing agitation, there is a shortage of petrol at petrol pumps in various states. Huge crowds were seen outside petrol pumps in Maharashtra, Mumbai and Thane as people feared fuel shortage. Petrol Dealers Association, Mumbai said that fuel supply at the pumps has been affected since Monday and if the situation continues then many pumps will run out of fuel.

Regional protests and road blockades

Protestors actively participated in road blockades in states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Major highways including Mehsana-Ambaji and Ahmedabad-Indore were temporarily blocked with burning tyres, causing significant disruption. Spontaneous protests broke out in Gujarat, with truck drivers freely expressing their concerns.

state-specific effects


In Nagpur, truck drivers staged a ‘Rasta Roko’ protest by parking their trucks on the highway. Members of various truck drivers’ unions gathered at Sanvidhan Chowk to show solidarity.


Many petrol pumps in Ludhiana reportedly ran out of stock, leading to fuel shortage. Similar scenes were seen in Chandigarh and Mohali, where people faced delays in filling fuel in their vehicles.


Protestors in Gujarat blocked highways in districts like Kheda, Valsad, Gir Somnath, Bharuch and Mehsana. Tapan Sharma, former president of the Ahmedabad Motor Transport Association, clarified that these protests were spontaneous, leading to delays in the delivery of goods.

Industry Feedback and Recommendations

C L Mookati, chairman of the transport committee of the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC), stressed the need for the government to prioritize improvements in road and transport systems before imposing stringent provisions. He suggested linking with practices observed in foreign countries as a more comprehensive approach to address road safety concerns.


As the nationwide transport strike continues, its impact on daily life and essential services is becoming more evident. Grievances against the new hit-and-run law have led to widespread protests, road blockades and fuel shortages. The government faces the challenge of balancing road safety regulations with the concerns of the transport industry to ensure a smooth and efficient transportation network for the country.


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